Radiology Masterclass - Test Yourself

The Radiology OSCE

In this presentation, Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones explains how to get through the Radiology OSCE station from an examiners perspective. (Presentation given at the Royal Society of Medicine finals conference.) Watch video >>

Test yourself OSCE scenarios

The test yourself scenarios below are based on the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) style assessments often used in UK medical schools.

Chose one person from your group to be the examinee, another to act as examiner, and others to observe.

The examinee has one minute to read the clinical information before each OSCE scenario begins. You are shown an image which you should present. You are then asked questions relating to the image and the clinical scenario.

OSCE presentation tips

Example OSCE scoring check lists


New Trauma X-ray Quizzes

Trauma X-ray Quiz - Upper Limb

Trauma X-ray - Lower Limb

The Radiology OSCE (video)

Presentation by Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones at the annual finals conference of the Royal Society of Medicine. Essential tips on how to get through the Radiology OSCE. Watch video >>

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