Normal lordotic view

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Normal lordotic view

  • (Compare with good quality PA below)
  • A lordotic views is most commonly acquired accidentally due to incorrect patient positioning
  • The clavicles appear high such that the lung apices are not visible above the clavicles
  • The ribs appear more horizontal and are more V-shaped than C-shaped
  • Too much of the abdomen may be visible on the image
  • Regardless of the lordotic view this image was considered normal and was not repeated
  • Note: A lordotic view can be taken deliberately to gain a second view of the lung if an abnormality is seen on a standard PA view.

Good quality PA for comparison

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Good quality PA for comparison

  • (Compare with lordotic view above)
  • The lung apices are visible above the clavicles

Lordotic view example case - Image 1

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Lordotic view example case - Image 1

  • It is important to understand the potential limitations of a lordotic view
  • In this image the lung bases are obscured
  • The image was repeated (see below)

Lordotic view example case - Image 2

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Lordotic view example case - Image 2

  • (Same patient as image above)
  • This is a better PA view – lung apices visible above clavicles
  • A mass is now visible at the right lung base

Page author: Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust UK (Read bio)

Last reviewed: October 2019